Saturday, March 29, 2025

Salmon Fillet With Creamy Horseradish Topping

For me, salmon fillet is an indispensable part of my diet, fortunately also for my men. I love not only its taste and its consistency but also its simplicity in the preparation. No matter what you do to him, he does well in so many courts, as a main or supporting actor. I love to “crown” it with a variety of ingredients. So also with my latest creation salmon fillet with creamy horseradish and bread crumb topping.

Salmon, whether smoked or not, tastes delicious in combination with creamy horseradish and is a classic for me. Especially one of my breakfast highlights: smoked salmon on fresh bread and creamy horseradish with some fresh dill on top. I could also fool myself. Depending on the occasion and daily plans, a small glass of Prosecco . Glorious.


As a topping on fresh salmon fillet, the cream horseradish makes quite excellent, even if the heating at the beginning a little “strange” appears. But you also like to take cream horseradish as a refinement in warm soups or sauces. As you can see, creamy horseradish harmonizes deliciously with the salmon fillet and the crumbs give it a slightly crisp note. As for the creamy horseradish, you should give at least half an inch to the salmon fillet top. I’ve already used less creamy horseradish, but then he moved away too fast and there was not enough “dip” for the garnish. The salmon fillet with creamy horseradish, by the way, is very well served with boiled potatoes or noodles in butter.

I usually use creamy horseradish for the salmon fillet. Yes, I know, making creamy horseradish itself is so incredibly easy. For my salmon with creamy horseradish, I wanted to save this step but to make it even faster. Of course, you can also use freshly prepared creamy horseradish – that’s the icing on the cake, of course.


Whether roasted, smoked, grilled or cooked in the oven – I am always enthusiastic about the versatility of the salmon fillet and I do not tire of it either. In addition, salmon is so incredibly healthy because it has a very high proportion of omega-3 fatty acids and contains very important vitamins, such as vitamin B6.

Incidentally, for a very long time now I have been buying salmon or salmon fillet either as wild salmon from sustainable fishing or farmed salmon with organic seal. Because I know that the animals are not kept so tight. In addition, they are fed with fish feed produced from by-catch of sustainable fisheries. That makes me feel good.

Salmon Fillet With Creamy Horseradish Topping

PREPARATION 5 minutes PREPARATION 25 minutes TIME TOTAL 30 minutes PORTIONS 4 people


  • 4 salmon fillets à ca. 150-200 g – happy to be from sustainable fishing
  • 1 glass of cream horseradish – approx. 135g eg from Koch, Thomy, Kühne
  • 1-2 tbsp breadcrumbs or Panko breadcrumbs (Asia Regal supermarket) – per fillet
  • 40 g butter, melted – 1-2 tablespoons per fillet piece
  • salt and pepper
  • Dill, fresh – to serve


1.First, heat up the oven to 180 degrees upper / lower heat . 

2.Then the kitchen-ready salmon fillets wash, dry pat with salt and pepper to taste. 

3.After you put your salmon fillets in a lightly with butter greased baking dish , and sprinkle the top approximately 0.5 cm with the horseradish cream .

 NOTE: Coat the fillets with at least 0.5 cm of creamy horseradish, otherwise the creamy horseradish will put too much into the salmon and you will not have enough “dip” for the garnish. 

4.Then you distribute depending on your preference on each salmon filet 1-2 tablespoons bread crumbsor Panko breadcrumbs  and beschstelst each salmon fillet with 1-2 tablespoons of liquid  butter . 

5.Now the oven on the middle rack for about 20 minutes to cook and for the last 2-5 minutes the grill function turn to gratinating so that the crumbs nice roast and golden brown are. I wish you a good appetite !


Did you try the recipe once? How do you find it? I am always happy about praise, friendly criticism or your tips and experiences. Let us stay in the exchange via the comment function below. I would be happy.