Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Chicken Pan Sweet Sour

Chicken Pan Sweet Sour

Table of Contents

When I left the air-conditioned airport building, I ran straight against a “wall”. A wall of heat, high humidity and smells that were totally alien to me until now. Bangkok more precisely Thailand was for me the first long-distance journey to an Asian country. The first country that I really found foreign, simply because everything was really foreign to me.

Stranger than other European or American countries, because so much unknown culture, religion and people with different value systems. But of course the way to eat, especially where, namely in food stalls on the street, was totally different. Besides, I’ll never forget my first ice-cold coconut milk from the fridge. It’s almost there in every restaurant. The coconut had just fallen from the palm, a straw had been put in and bam! The pure refreshment.

Asian Fast & Delicious


Although I love her in Thailand, I did not “carry” the Thai-Asian cuisine home. It was not and is not my way of cooking. Also the ingredients that she demands. Nevertheless, there are some Asian dishes that I love very much and from which I have made an Asian, German cooking mix. One of those dishes is my sweet Asian sour chicken stir-fry which would of course be more localized in China than in Thailand.


The Chinese prepare a chicken pan sweet sour with lots of red wine or apple cider vinegar. This is for my taste but very special and a bit bad acid. Therefore, I thought, the juice of a lime also provides acid in the sweet and sour chicken pan, although not comparably intense. So, if you want some more sour acidity in my chicken skillet, then try adding one tablespoon of red wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar to the sauce in step 9. But in between always taste good and remember that by heating the vinegar is even more intense 😉.


When frying the marinated chicken meat you should make sure that you give enough vegetable oil in the pan, it should be about 0.3 to 0.5 cm high it should stand. The meat does not necessarily have to “swim” in it but due to the sufficient amount of oil it can roast nicely and the breadcrumbs of cornflour have the chance to be crispy. If too little oil is in the pan, then the breading sticks to the bottom of the pan and dissolves from the meat.

The ideal side dish for the Asian chicken skillet is a fragrant basmati rice. A perfect duo!

Chicken Pan Sweet Sour – Asian Fast & Delicious

PREPARATION 20 minutes PREPARATION 15 minutes TIME TOTAL 35 minutes PORTIONS 4 people


  • 500 g chicken breast fillets
  • 1 tin of pineapple pieces, small – drained weight 140 g, important: catch pineapple juice!
  • 2 spring onions – cut into rings with greenery
  • 1 red pepper – cut into small pieces
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 tablespoon coriander, fresh – to serve


  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 egg, size M – whisk
  • 1 pinch of pepper, white, ground
  • 5 tablespoons cornstarch


  • 1 lime, juice of it – freshly pressed
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 3 tbsp sugar, brown
  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 1 tablespoon tomato ketchup
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp water
  • 125 ml pineapple juice from the tin – which you have risen!
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch


1.First you cut the chicken breast fillets into pieces and pour the pineapple pieces over a container , so you catch the juice for later .

2.Now you stir for the marinade all the ingredients mentioned above and give the chicken breast pieces into it. The 1 egg you whisk in a small bowl.

3.The whisked egg you stir then also under the chicken breast pieces, because it completes the marinade as a binder from.

4.Now add the 5 tablespoons of cornstarch and are stirred under the chicken pieces with marinade.

NOTE: The cornflour serves to give your chicken pieces in the pan a nice, crisp surface.  

5.Then you put the 4 tablespoons vegetable oil in a coated pan or even better cast iron (ideal would be 26cm diameter) and roast the chicken pieces in portions at medium to high heat in two batches.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you use a pan larger than 26cm, please use about 1 tbsp more oil. Respectively, it is important that the oil min. 0.3-0.5 cm covered the bottom of the pan otherwise stick the chicken pieces with velvet marinade on the ground and are not nice and crispy. Please turn over after about 1 minute, so that a nice crust can form at all.

6.The fried chicken pieces You just park st on a plate or in a bowl.

7.Now you cut the peppers into small cubes and the spring onions with green in fine rings.

8.Then take your pan back to hand, if necessary, add some vegetable oil and roast the peppers and spring onions in it for about 5 minutes over medium heat.

9.Meanwhile you stirred for the sauce all the ingredients together except the 1 tablespoon cornstarch, which is the end touched in the sauce, so there are no lumps.

10.When the vegetable is steamed, you give the sauce over it and makes it very briefly simmer or thick are. If it gets too thick for you , then add just a tablespoon of water until you are satisfied with the consistency.

11. Now you still pick up the chicken breast pieces and the pineapple pieces and let them in for 2 minutes .

12. If desired, you can still sprinkle with chopped coriander. Rice tastes delicious as a side dish. I wish you a good appetite!



Did you try the recipe once? How do you find it? I am always happy about praise, friendly criticism or your tips and experiences. Let us stay in the exchange via the comment function below. I would be happy.

Chicken Pan Sweet Sour - Asian Fast & Delicious

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